Call centres have generally lagged the broader market in their approach to employee wellness, but Greenstone Financial Services is setting a new trend.
Call centres are known for their very challenging work environments which has resulted in the industry having one of the highest staff turnover rates across all industries.
The more significant challenges being:
- Managing the increasingly volatile nature of customers, particularly in the era of COVID, which has led to increased stress levels of staff;
- Longer and demanding work schedules, making it difficult to eat well and focus on activities which promote wellness;
- The slower pace of call centre employers to adopt broad wellness and engagement initiatives for their staff.
Greenstone Financial Services, who distributes insurance through their Australian-based call centre, is tackling some of these challenges with the recent opening of their new office that has set the standard in call centre employee engagement.
The seven story building is spacious with loads of natural light, an expansive outdoor terrace and barbecue area and multiple collaboration points that encourages team building. We couldn’t miss pointing out the table tennis and games area that creates a buzz at every lunchtime.
That’s where Morsl comes in. Greenstone Financial Services care about their staff having convenient access to nutritious fresh food, snacks and drinks that caters to staff across all shifts. Morsl lives by the 80:20 rule ensuring the staff have a healthy and balanced diet, eating 80% of better-for-you foods and the remaining 20% is about indulging without a guilty feeling. Greenstone recognises that good nutrition can lead to healthier, happier and more productive employees.
Morsl has been installed in their main break room area, customised to fit the style and decor of their new fitout. With a subsidy program to further support healthy eating, Greenstone is importantly focussed on the wellbeing of their staff.
Just why is overall employee wellness and engagement so important for call centres? Studies have proven that is it vital to focus on employee satisfaction in order to drive customer satisfaction. The satisfaction levels of employees is what will ultimately drive how they treat their customers. Here are some compelling stats according to Vantage Circle;
“Highly engaged teams show 21% greater profitability from a business standpoint”
“86% of buyers are willing to pay more for excellent customer service”
The message is therefore simple; if you want satisfied customers, create satisfied employees and when you have satisfied customers this leads to a higher ROI for the company.
With the Morsl team being onsite for the first week to assist the staff in using their new market, we couldn’t help but notice how happy and appreciative the staff were not only for their new Morsl market but for the incredible work space Greenstone has created for them.
For more information on Morsl visit www.morsl.com.au